Photo Gallery

Retzer Camera Club Photo Gallery

We welcome new photos to the gallery.  Send resized JPG images to Frank Remfrey ( .  Better yet, establish a free online storage account via Picasa or Dropbox and send the link. 

Jim Edlhuber (for more images of Wehr Nature Center by Jim, visit the link below!)

Ruth Ruddock

The four images above were taken on the Zoo outing by Frank Remfrey
 These four shots (above and three below) were taken by Ruth Ruddock on the recent outing at the Zoo.

Jim Edlhuber:  Fireworks on July 4th
For more of Jim Edlhuber's fireworks images,including instructions on the first photo, visit the link below:

This is the daily scene right outside my sister's front door...nest is
right in the bush by the railing. They looked so hungry and never shut
their mouths the whole time I was taking photos! Mother Robin was
close by.
Ah, nature....
Ruth R.

Wild Geranium by Jim Edlhuber.  For more images from Jim's recent shoot at Scuppernong Springs, visit the link below.

Robins--  Frank Remfrey

  Indigo Bunting     --Mary Lamb (Mary took these at her 
home on Newhall Ave., City of Waukesha)
  Indigo Bunting     --Mary Lamb
 Indigo Buntings     --Mary Lamb

 Oriole --Frank Remfrey

 I caught this Canadian Goose and her little brood on the bank
of a pond near Brookfield Square today....amazing where they turn up!
-- Ruth Ruddock

 Warbler --Jim Edlhuber.  For more visit THIS LINK.

Spring Peeper:  Frank Remfrey
If you like the sound of these little creatures, visit this link
Bloodroot Plant @ Retzer:  Ruth Ruddock

Skunk Cabbage @ Retzer:  Jim Edlhuber

 Marsh Marigold @ Retzer: Jim Edlhuber

Retzer Trail Camera @ Brown's Fen: Check out the link below for a dozen shots that were taken in April, 2011..

 John Hasse
Use this link to view 16 shots by John:
Horicon Marsh --Jim Edlhuber
 Check out this link for more shots by Jim Edlhuber at the Horicon Marsh:

Pasque Flowers-- Barb Rasmussen

Pasque Flowers-- Barb Rasmussen